Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let Constancy Be My Name

Let constancy be my name
Let whenever I rise to fame
I will be mindful and grateful
Of the things that made me successful

Let kindness be my friend
Let me never offend
Or bring anyone down
Let me not dwell in pride

May I live in honor
May I dwell in the good
And give Character a new meaning yet
Let me be not in over my head

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Ebb and Flow

Years and years of silence. And now it's suddenly flowing like a gushing stream. Shouldn't I be thankful? Of course I am! I'm so grateful...beyond words! I just want more free time to concentrate on them--on my winged thoughts, I mean.

I've Been Told

I've been told
That I'm on a roll.
I've been told
That I have to be bold.
I've been told
That if I want gold...
Thoughts must unfold
And that I must uphold
To achieve the untold.

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Please Go, Please Stay

Oh, this achy plight
Please subside.

Oh, this direful disdain
Please begone.

Oh, this woeful restlessness
Don't be a pest.

Oh, this blessed inspiration
Be ever so present!

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Everywhere Has Flair

When your find yourself
In the middle of nowhere,
Ne'er do you care,
Coz everywhere,
Has its flair.

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

I Saw the Truth

Oft times I wonder
Where is that line
That bridges or divides
To decide what's right.

Oft times I stand
Not making demands
Wondering where I land
'Tis hard to understand.

The ways of man
Can so bemuse, thus bringing
Portions of distress and restlessness
Heart finds it tough to fathom
The far gone depths of deceit
The despicable conspiracy
The 'filled-with-ulterior-motive' intimacy.

Is sincerity never to be found?
Is truthfulness such an obsolete?
Is kindness a rarity?
Is happiness so flimsy?
Is faith a no-no endeavor?
Are dreams that hard to grasp?
And is life really worth the pain?

I have been shown,
I have been known,
And I have flown...
Alone and aloof...
And I saw...


- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul


We all grow accustomed to the pain in our lives, sometimes we even become indifferent to them. And indifference is a good thing, sometimes, because it serves as a defense mechanism. But go at it long enough and you lose the vivaciousness of life. You become all cooped up in yourself and all cold and distant towards the people and events surrounding your life. Believe me, I know.

It happened to me a long time ago. I was really in-too-deep with this 'apathy' thing. It affected everyone around me, and I was too naive to even realize it. I almost couldn't get out of it, too. But I overcame it and am a changed person now.

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Be Persistent

Some people outlive their dreams, some die taking their dreams along with them...never really finding out what their dreams are all about. Some lived, yet their dreams and their souls died on the insides long before their bodies did. But some, if they're persistent enough, get to make history with their dreams. I hope I fall into this latter category.

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Friday, November 26, 2010

Be Not Afraid

Be not afraid...
Though dreams fade...
Do reignite...
bring them to light.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsasul


Fear is good...
Fear is cool...
Fear stops us...
And we adjust...
We devise anew...
And find a way through...
Or a way around...
To be found...

Fear protects..
Fear directs..
Fear reflects...
And suspects...
Keeping us on guard...
Tiptoeing in our path.

Tad is enough...
Too much...
Fear disrupts.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Take It Easy

Take it easy...
Life is breezy...

Take it slow...
Life will flow.

Take to blues...
And you lose...

Take to grin...
And you win.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Life Is Yours

Life is rain...
Life is pain...
Can't complain.

Life is joy...
Life is toy...
Don't be coy.

Life endures...
Life allures...
Life is yours!

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

No Tears

Give life no tears...
Be in cheers.

When through the years...
The world sneers...
Banish all fears...
God hears...
Salvation nears.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Happiness Can't Be Bought

Sunny skies...
Warm smiles...
All arise...
And apprise...
From inside...
Be advised.

Prize of Passion

Passion stirs...
From nothingness...
To something blessed.

Passion lingers...
When persists...
Not resists.

Passion drives...
And revives...
Old haggard hearts.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One Good Deed A Day

Let your good deeds shine into the world. One good deed a day is all it requires. You don't have to give much--just start with a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand. That's all. See? Not hard, is it? This is all it takes to make a pleasant existence for anyone who needs it.

Men have forgotten how to be civil to each other. We've forgotten to connect and to ask about our daily experiences. We're caught up in this fast-paced routine! This rat race! We must hurry to gather our wealth lest it goes far out of our reach! No, we do not have the time to ask a friend how he's doing! No, we do not have the energy to go help a friend in need! And we certainly do not have the means to buy comfort for others! Shoo! Go away, friends and foes! I am swamped!

Sadly, this is our modern-day attitude. And sadly, everyone accepts it and lives with it. No one thinks of changing themselves. No one wants to change anything. Things are fine. Everything is cool. Everyone has busy lives. This is our present-day mentality and we are doing absolutely nothing to rectify it.

But things are not fine. And things are not cool. Things need to be fixed--and at haste! Mankind needs to reconnect and bond. How can humanity flourish if we're only keen on being with machines and gadgets? How can we cure this world with 'love' if we're only spreading it through text messages and computer outputs?

So, this brings us back to my point of start. Do one good deed a day--person to person. Not machine to machine--nah-ah. Go out and touch a life. Go out and enter a soul. Go out and explore someone else's dream. Venture into the town and light up a heart. Make a small start. First with your kins and friends, then with your neighbors, and, finally, with strangers.

Let them call you odd. Let them call you inane. Let them even call you show-off. If you're doing it for mankind, you need have no shame. For you know what your heart is about. You know what your mind can conjure. And you know where the truth lies. All you need now is determination and sincerity. Go out with the pureness of your heart and touch a life.

I believe we can achieve great things if we truly have faith in 'love' and 'kindness'. Go out and interact with people. Renounce technology and go out there and make a difference! You know you can!

-Thanyarat Komolsingskaul

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yet, I’m Here

I’ve been beaten
more often times than not…
I’ve been trampled upon
more than is necessary…
I’ve been scorned at
much more than my dues…
And yet..
I’m here!
As strong as new!

- Thanyarat Komolsingsakkul

Give Us Back Our Beloved Land

Give us back our beloved Land...
The land of our never-ending smiles...
The land of our endless love...
And our warm sunshine...
The land that has been defined...
And described...
As peaceful and forgiving...
So accepting and devoted...
To souls of all nations.

Alas, woe has struck...
Time and again...
What remains...
Are our shattered hearts...
And our dissipated dreams...
Time and again...
We hopelessly try...
To maintain...
And contain...

Despair and anguish returns...
How hard we try to spurn...
In spite of all concerns...
Can't ever escape the upturn...
Of riotous ado and turbulent turmoil...

Is it too much to ask?
Is it such an impossible task?
Stop wearing those masks!!!
Stop pretending you're smart!!!
Stop with all the evoking!!!
Stop with all the provoking!!!


Give us back our beloved Land!!!

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obligations....A Nuisance?

So many obligations! How to prioritize? How to even discard some? These may prove to be the most difficult tasks of your life.


(When) Happiness is hard…
Play your part…
Never take to heart.

When joy seems far…
Wherever you are…
Look for a star.

When hope is bleak…
Don’t be weak…
Be at peak.

When road is long…
Ride along…
Sing your song.

When goals seems farfetched…
Patience can be outstretched…
Can be sketched.

When life is cruel…
Make it a rule…
Never to drool…
Or be made a fool...
At your own ridicule.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul

Beauty in Misery

Find beauty in each misery. This is your task every morning. Never let circumstances bring you down. Never let cruel stances kill your spirits. It is not easy, but it is possible.

-Thanyarat Komolsingsakul