Thursday, September 16, 2010

Detach Yourself or Grin and Bear It...or...Die Trying...

Can you think yourself out of a bad situation? Maybe you can and maybe you can't, but what you can most certainly do is think yourself out of bad thoughts on the situation. Yes, that's right, when you have no other options this is the option.

It's futile to be brooding about things when you know you're stuck in it. If you can't detach yourself from the situations then the best you can do is change your attitude. Moping and grumbling will only do harm to you and no one else. The problem lies with you now and not with the circumstances. Are you going to let circumstances rule you? Are you going to let the bad situations in your life determine your happiness?

Attitude is everything. You can choose to pout and feel bad about your prevailing mishaps or you can choose to conquer them with your thinking. It is up to you and no one else.

You see, when you're stuck in such conditions that you can't get out of (or even if you can but won't, for whatever reasons) the problem shifted from the situations to you. In other words, you have become the problem. Your next task is, therefore, to change yourself....change your attitude...your outlook. And let me tell you surely is a tough job.

Yes, I mentioned it being tough, but mind you, not impossible to achieve. So keep this in mind always..."Tough times don't last, but tough people do".

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