Monday, June 27, 2016

Anti Ritual

I hate the morning rituals
The same old ritual
If it were up to me
If the stench wouldn't
Anyone so much
I would just leave
The way it was left
From the night

What is it with the human race?
This need to cleanse and to clean
To present the outside
As tip top and shipshop
Isn't the outer just for show?

Let's focus on the inside,
shall we?

Morning comes
And it all starts
Brush your teeth
Wash your face
Take a bath

Dress up
Show up
They say

They say
This is the way
Of the world
Those who toil
Earn their keeps
The sloth
You know the story

This pretentious need
To display
And to outlay
This judgement of worth
Our showy appearances
This glamor
This limelight

Are we back to that?
Didn't I tell you?
Let's focus on the inside,
Shall we?
My dear dear comrades.

The "Me" Anti-Ode

"Me" said the therapist
Focus on the "Me"
"Me?" But I'm a mom
How can I be "Me!"
I gotta forsake "Me!"
I gotta neglect "Me!"

We all know
Without a happy "Me"
There can't be a gleeful "anyone"
"Me" is the basis of all bases
It all starts with "Me"
And goes on from there
The therapist advised
I complied

Dire consequences

A vicious cycle
I got engrossed in "Me"
The "Me" envelops and engulfs
Turning "Me" into a self-absorbed
Egotistical "Me"
And the "Me" is now
"Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me!"

While the new "Me"
All happy and glee
The people
around "Me"
Internalized themselves
Coz "Me"
Demanding and boisterous
Allowed no one
To be their own "Me"
"Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me"

Monday, June 20, 2016

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall
Let's start from the very top top

The tinted hair
You see
Is just to cover
to conceal
The truth behind it all
Alas, color fades

Staring at the grays
I gasped!
I must do something fast!
God forbid!
The world should see
What lies hidden
These fake bright hues
What shame it would be
to exhibit
My true true colors

My eyes are okay
They didn't shrivel much
Those youthful sparkle
never quite returned
don't look people
in the eye
They would never catch on

This nose
Let's not talk about it

Moving on..

sagging cheeks
The droopy rims of my mouth
They are a dead giveaway
The lack of smiles
Where can you hide
Those pain
Those tears

Of course
not to leave out
This double chin

From looking down
Too much
Too often

To pen down
my thoughts
Into some
measly verses
All in the hopes
Of turning
my wounds
Into wisdom

Monday, June 13, 2016

Ode on Forgiveness

The very word
Gives me the chills
Chills to the bones

How lonely and desolate
To atone
How desperate
To condone

The very notion
Brings commotions
To my mind

How bleak and slick
A pretense of meek
Resorting to
This cheeky trick

It must ring a bell
Without it
You're in hell

How convenient
And apt
I really
Cannot adapt
One fault
Leads to another

Makes me weary
And dreary

How I want
To puke!
And rebuke!

A gift for me
To set me free
To kill the poison
That I spun

My Baby

Seeing that first smile
Makes my heart
For a while
It must be love

Strange though it seems
My hearts teems
Full bubbles of joy
It must be love

Your lips curl
I hear "mama"
I'm all 'la la'
It must be love

And then,
You're on all fours
My heart soars
It must be love

Soon enough
In a buff
You go
Galloping along
My beating heart
Sings a song
It must be love

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Tick

Some arguments starts
Same old insinuations
Same old scorns
Sometimes I wonder
About these thorns
Are they here to teach
And preach
Or are they here
Just for show
Some thorns prick
And tick
Some thorns
Bleed you dry
I wonder why
Prone to meanness
Some do think
They are blameless
Tell me please
What makes a man
Tell me!
Tell whatever you can
I won't chide
I won't scold
Just tell me bold
What what what?
Makes a man!
What, Man?