Thursday, June 10, 2010

Success : The Final Frontier???

Each of us brings something different to the table. Some lives are meant to be enriched by loving parents, and others are meant to suffer with them. Some are born to be successful at everything they touch, others are born to be the best parent a child could ever have. We can not expect everyone to be a notable businessman. Nor can we expect that all parents can fulfill the desires of their children.

We need to be able to discern and recognize the diverse roles of the various people in our lives. They all have their place in this world and in our lives. Good people need not be wealthy people. The individual at the top of the ladder need not be the bad ones. Judging a person by their monetary success and fame is faulty. Some men are distinguished humanitarians. Others are just assholes.

It is crucial that we enlighten ourselves with these facts of life. We should not assume that a remarkable person must also be lucrative. Should we really appraise an individual according to his abundance? Or is his noble character sufficient for reckoning?

These are burdensome elements to reflect upon. We have been brought up to esteem financial achievement as the ultimate attainment. Are we willing to substitute our bed of roses with commonplace existence?


  1. Success is measure in the amount of passion one has for the job and how extensive he prepares to fulfill his mission. It is not exactly how humble or how nobel his job is classified. This person knows what he (she) is doing and he respect in what he does.

  2. :D Thanks for all your comments. Appreciated.
