Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Midlife Crisis

I'm living my life in reverse. Now is the time to be all tensed up and edgy. Instead, I'm all ecstatic and light hearted. I now delight in the things that I once considered senseless and inane. What a boon to my existence! I don't have to go through what other midlife women go through! I don't have to have angry outbursts and irrational vexation! What a benefit to my being!

Yes..I've been doctors, friends and relatives....even by books. I anticipated all or some of the symptoms and was ready to embrace them. But they were a no-show. I am free. I am spared. I am a happy soul.

They said life is going to be hard. Mine has been easy. They said every little things can trigger you. I am now so patient with big things. They said lethargy will set in. I'm all energetic and peppy. Could this be true? Is it really happening in the opposite for me? Does this so-called crisis really sit well with me?

Don't talk too might say. It surly will happen. There is no might add. Well, I doubt it ever will. Look at me!!! I'm so joyful and bubbly. Are these the signs of a person suffering from a midlife crisis?!?

Laughing during a stupidly funny movie! Come know I would never do that! I would just sit still while others can't seem to stop laughing. It's the other way around now. I actually laugh at those silly scenes in movies. What could be going on if not the reverse effect of this crisis?!? Until you can provide me with a decent observation, I'm taking it at face value.

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